Chiwo was founded in 2014 by Jayan Nanyonga a female Ugandan who values humanity. After completion of studies at the university, she had various opportunities to work with diverse communities that had underprivileged children and their families. She was so quick to observe first hand the social injustice and unbelievable discrimination that was subjected to deaf children specifically. It was so heartbreaking and at the same time mind blowing to see how societies treated devalued deaf children. Jayan also has a brother who is deaf, while growing up, her brother too was discriminated and looked down on by the society because of his disability. This was observed both at home and in just a few of the so many districts in Uganda. Together with her family, local and international friends they committed to expanding possibilities, championing equality and finding solutions to overcome challenges that the deaf children face in Uganda, this gave birth to Chiwo.