Your faithful generosity makes it possible for us to serve deaf children and their families, physically
, emotionally and spiritually in Uganda.Boundaries are broken, confidence is built, mindsets are changed,
relationships are built because of your support.
Your partnership with us through financial, prayer and service support allows us to serve and glorify God and
this furthers his kingdom. It also helps us fulfill our mission as an organization.
Chiwo Sponsorship Program
Your montly gift of $70 makes a huge difference in a life of a deaf child. The child is able to go to school
with scholarstic materials, a daily meal, receive medical care, spiritual mentorship and basic needs.
Your minimum gift of $70 a month or $840 a year helps transform a life of one deaf child in Uganda.
We thrive with prayer. We believe prayer can drive our ministry too far and it is one way everyone can be involved in CHIWO.
"Call to me, and i will answer you, and show you the great and mighty things, which you do not know"-
Jeremiah 33:3
1. Please pray for Uganda, for salvation of the people.
2. Pray for knowledge, wisdom and understanding for our team as we serve
3. Pray for our children that they will come to experience love through knowing God.
4. Please pray for provision of van to ease transportation to the different families we work with.
Service Support
You are welcome to join our team if you are happy to share your administrative skills in line with our mission.